Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer is here!!!

Check out this cool dude. My friend Courtney and her mom Joyce showered Lucas with new clothes including this "Church" suit. Unfortunately, he wants to wear it every day and it hasn't been clean for church yet. He LOVES it and never wants to take it off. Can you blame him? It's adorable and he gets all kinds of attention when he is wearing it.
Summer means eating outside!!! We enjoyed a wonderful evening on Benji's birthday and ate out by the pool. It's so much fun watching Lucas enjoy himself and begin to feel like part of a family. He seems to love it here and we have yet to see any sign of "home" sickness. I pray this continues.

And what would summer be without running through the sprinkler? Our friends Jon & Tara Abbott and Schreene & Jon Babcock gave Lucas a summer outfit and his first sprinkler. He and Avery LOVE it. The run through a couple of times and then grab it and point it at each other like a water gun. Great Fun!!!


  1. Your little man is so adorable. I love the sprinkler pictures. It looks like he is so comfortable and fits right in to his new home.

  2. Your little man is so adorable. I love the sprinkler pictures they show so much personality. It looks like he is so comfortable and fits right in with his new family. Congrats!


  3. These are great pictures Christa! He certainly looks so happy at your home. You and Benji are very special people and Lucas is a very lucky little boy! Have a great summer with your both of your sons!
