We've had a rough couple of weeks at the Bertram house hold. My camera died (we had to buy another one), my Email account was hacked (If you've emailed me, I haven't gotten it), our big freezer died while we were camping and we lost all the food in it (had to buy another one), Our VCR and stove are acting like they should be replaced (but we can't afford it right now), Lucas had CT and MRI and we haven't yet gotten results, and we missed all but one day of Vacation Bible School due to appointments and our one and only three day long camping trip of the year.

Other than that....things are great. We had family visit last month from Ohio, Florida, and Colorado. Lucas loved meeting his Aunts and Uncles from out of town. "Unple" Mike was a huge hit because he twisted the boys on the swing.

Lucas is amazing and can talk like I can not believe. He is such a wonderful boy with a friendly personality. While camping he would ride his "motorcycle" around and wave and say hi to other campers. He is NOT shy at all and acts as if he owns the place where ever he is. Confidence is a good thing.

The boy who we thought couldn't smile, smiles all the time and loves his family. He and Avery are acting like brothers that have been together for years (I don't know if this part is good). Lucas will steal Avery's stuffed animals and run around the house with it one minute and the next minute Avery is tickling Lucas until he can't stand it anymore. Our house is full of activity. I'm kind of looking forward to returning to school just to have more of a routine.
But, return to school means closing the pool. Lucas has been in the pool every day of the summer and loves it. I don't know how he is going to adjust to a life with no pool. Time will tell.

Looks like things are great in your family!! So happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I ever wrote back to you. Millinnium is home. We call her Mikah. She and Lucas seem like they have so much in common! I wanted you to know that I am praying for Lucas's test results and hope all that works out well!
You guys are such an awesome family!
Magan Byrd
Shoot me an email (available in the Holt forum) if you want to chat about MRI stuff. Not wanting to reveal too much on Blogger, but we certainly have some experience in that area ;). Hoping you receive better than expected test results. LD is just too cute for words.