Monday, October 5, 2009

Time flies...

Forgive me for the mess here. I couldn't move the pictures after I posted them. We're off the Luke's school for a reception for all the international students new this year...about 15 of them. The original post is below.

Apple picking with the Disbros and Kellys. They both have children from Ethiopia as well and we had so much fun!

Luke's first day of Pre-K.

Benji's shop is under way.

We have been home a little over 4 months and words can not express how happy this little man has made us. He lights up our lives and we are all smitten.

For those of you who have followed our saga...Lucas does NOT need skull reconstruction surgery. We will go for another CT in three months to be sure, but the neuro-surgeon says his brain is just fine and Benji and I do not want to fix what isn't broken. His head will always be shaped a little "funny", but once you know him for a little while you really don't notice it much at all. I don't think it will slow him down at all.

As you can tell from the lack of posts, school has started again and time to myself is rare. I'll give you some picture high lights of the last few weeks. Enjoy!


  1. So happy to hear Lucas is doing well, we have been praying!

  2. Man! You guys live too far away! Love for Lucas is such a good name of your blog. I love the little guy so much and I don't even know him! Happy Fall and tell Lucas winter is almost here and snow is great! The Byrd Family
