Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two and a half weeks? Really????

I'm the first to admit that the first week home was a little rough. No where as bad as I imagined, but rough non the less. Lucas would hit and pinch me (often), he could not understand even commands to keep him safe, which kept me running constantly, and he had multiple "hissy fits" every day. I felt overwhelmed. But, he slept well, he ate well, and he was attaching to us very nicely so I really couldn't complain too much. All the things I prayed about were going well. I guess I just didn't pray about everything, like I should have.
But....two and a half weeks??? Really??? I can not believe the difference two and a half weeks make. The hitting and pinching are very rare, He understands much of what we say, and the "hissy fits" are down to a couple a day and only if things aren't going his way (today he didn't want to get dressed, for example). And language.....WOW!!! He can repeat anything, and so far Lucas can say and understands the following:
Mommy, Baby (Daddy), Gabin (Gavin), Kara (with a rolled r), Abery (Avery) , up pa-lease, No Bella (our dog....who we sold Saturday), nice Ali (our other dog...who we don't have to sell), be nice, no hit, Bye-bye... see ya... chow (all three together), No thank you (when prompted), yes pa-lease (when prompted), Ba-rush teeth (rolled r), coffee, fa-rog (frog), nose, chalk, sorry person's name, cat food, underwear, horse (he is fascinated by horses) and I love you (He only repeats this one so far, but it is so cute). There are more, this is what I remember right now.
Two and a half weeks!! Really!!!
Here are a few highlights from the last couple weeks. Watch out Jonas come the Bertram Boys.

Kayaking at the cottage:
He loves anything that has to do with water...we installed the pool alarm last week.
Helping Avery and Grandpa plant the tomatoes (a yearly tradition, this year they planted three)
Our first trip to Country Bell for ice cream. The animals were much more exciting.

Just hanging out at home. Yes, that's the dog bed he's on (ugh!).
Wrestle time with Daddy. Now he's out numbered. :)


  1. He looks sooo great! So good to hear that things are getting better and better! Keep in touch!

  2. Thank you for posting. Glad to hear that things are settling down. I will call soon to see if he is ready for a play date. Love to all!

    P.S. Sure did enjoy reading about your trip!
